Coastal Designs
Thank you for your input in choosing these designs. These designs will be produced on T-shirts, size S - 3XL, and Scoop Neck shirts, size S - XL. They will be produced on Delta brand shirts. Click on the image below to find out more about the design.
Thank you for your input in helping us choose this design.
Depending on your needs, we have three different order forms available. Each form is designed to help you sell to a different market. The "Open" form can be used to sell to anyone other than WalMart. The "WM Set" form are for selling the program as a set of designs. The "WM Order Form" allows the sale to WalMart without requiring sets.
These forms are available in Adobe Acrobat. You must have Acrobat Reader in order to view these forms. Acrobat Reader is a free from Adobe and can be downloaded at their website or by clicking here. Just click on the order form that you are interested in. Then print out the PDF, fill out your order and fax it back to us.
If you have any questions about placing your order, please email us or telephone, and we will be happy to talk you through the process.