
The Strategic Alliances Group
A unit of G.G.C. Trading Corporation, New York, New York Incorporated in New York, G.G.C. Trading is a privately held corporation established in 1988. G.G.C. Trading will be joining with SAi for a completely vertical approach to the garment industry. The Strategic Alliances Group is an organization of non conflicting garment manufacturers aligned through a common American marketing channel - G.G.C. Trading.
• Where applicable, our members own Quota, as opposed to buying or leasing Quota.
• Manufacturing - All of our members own factories. By limiting the factories in our alliance, we have a more precise understanding of each participant's strengths and capabilities.
• Location - We have offices conveniently located in New York City, not 12 times zones or 18 hours away. We have additional offices on the west coast for servicing the U.S. market during all business hours. We have internet connectivity in a non-congested area for 24 hour marketing, sales, production, administrative and technical support.
• Product Development - We can quote on your own styles and we are constantly developing our own products. Our knowledge of the American market when combined with an understanding of our factories' capabilities provides both what sells and what can be efficiently produced;
• Countries of Origin - Through our partnerships, and alliances we currently have the availability of facilities in China, South Africa, Vietnam, India and Honduras.

China - Knit Shirts Sweaters & Fine Gauge
Our Partners are the largest holders of Sweater Quota in China. They also hold the Knit Shirt Quota. We have a strong Quota position in both #338 (CVC) and #638. We use China for more complicated styles and/or accessories. We are particularly strong in quality and value when the manufacturing process requires piecing, embroidery or appliqués. We offer a wide variety of fleece and pique. Our members' proximity to Hong Kong makes new fabrics readily available. We own three world class sewing factories in China supported by appropriate quotas. Shirts, blouses, bottoms, and suits are the main categories we are now exporting. Two unusual strengths are our extensive, on premises, washing facilities and a tradition of fabric development. Both high quality traditional fabrics and fabric innovations are available. We take pride in being productive and always being at the front of the market.

South Africa - Knit Shirts
We have a standing relationship with the same South African company. It is a vertical knitting, dyeing and sewing operation. Occasionally, when appropriate, fabric is brought in from Taiwan. Currently, we are running Interlock, Pique and a variety of textured fabrics. The Quality/Price is excellent and offers great value. Although the sewing quality is excellent but we avoid extremely complicated styles. Recent Congressional actions towards the elimination of Quota and Duty in sub-Sahara Africa, has increased the value of this relationship.

The U.S. market is yet to discover this country. We have three facilities within minutes of each other. In many ways, the best of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan are available here. Without quota restrictions or rising labor costs, skilled workers are available to do the kind of intricate, high quality sewing associated with China. We are vertical in knitting and weaving, dyeing and finishing. Annual capacity is about 37 million square meters. When appropriate, fabrics are imported from China and Taiwan. Embroidery and Jacquard machines, garment dyeing and washing are also available. A variety of knits (pique, jersey, interlock and fleece), fine gauge, jackets, windbreakers and walk shorts are exported to the United States.

Our base for high quality, high value knit shirts. The factory's experience includes: high count double mercerized, a variety of piques and textures, yarn dyes, prints, jacquards, garment dyeing or garment washing.

Q.R. (Quick Response) is the key to this facility's success. We have multiple style and color programs at this facility. Some fabrics are produced locally, but most are imported. Pique, interlock, jersey and fleece tops have been made for U. S. consumption.

We are in the continual process of recruiting new member to our group, who will offer exciting new opportunities for SAi and our clients.