Welcome to my home among the virtual stars.

Here, you can find out a wide variety of information about me. I have broken my information into four different areas. Simply click on the planet of the information that you are interested in. You will then be whisked away to it quicker than the speed of light. In my Portfolio, you can find a variety of images that I have created over the past several years. I have broken them into three main categories. Please be aware that the Portfolio section is very image intensive and may load slowly on some internet connections. Also be sure to click over to the Resume section if you are interested in finding out about my work experience. Finally check out the Bio and Links sections where you can find out more about me, and links to websites that I go to regularly. Please enjoy your stay in my virtual home. As always, if you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to email me: ritt0170@uidaho.edu